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Starting my own Blog

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That’s me pretending to be a photographer while visiting Ireland

     Ahhh the horror! Oh why oh why in the world would I commit to something so BIG when I have a million and one other things I should be doing?

     Answer: I need to share with the world all the millions of things I do and hopefully help someone with a project in the process.

     To begin I should probably introduce myself. Take a deep breath and if you’re still with me at the very end, you deserve a gold star! My name is Ashli. Already starting off with a hitch. Yes, at the time of my birth, my parents decided it would be a genius idea to misspell my name on purpose so it’s forever spelled wrong and pronounced wrong. (The ‘correct’ way of spelling it is Ashley in case you were having trouble 😉 ) My strange, unique name helped shape me into the crazy usual person I am today.

     Let me help you understand why I say I’m a crazy and usual person. First off, you can always find me working on several projects at once. I like to have variety in my life. This is great because I never get bored of anything I do. It’s not so great because I feel like I’m always super busy. Are you dying to know what I do yet? Of course you are. Here’s a list of all the crafts I participate in on a regular basis:

    1. Knitting
    2. Machine Knitting
    3. Weaving on a frame loom
    4. Sewing
    5. Machine Embroidery
    6. Macramé
    7. Natural Soap Making (Cold Process)
    8. Natural Lotion Making
    9. Candle Making
    10. Writing Fiction Book Series

     That’s just the regular basis stuff. I have also occasionally tried my hand at spinning wool, felting, cake decorating, canning, scrapbooking, and photography. And now I’m not only going to try my hand at blogging (wish me luck!), I’d really like to get a rigid heddle loom to learn how to English style weave.

     When I’m not crafting I’m still very busy. I have several jobs with various job descriptions. I’m always researching the next amazing DIY project to try. If you’re still with me, yay! Hopefully you’ll learn something new from me or at least leave with a smile on your face.

Here’s a list of what I plan to write about besides all my crafting projects:

  1. Rigid Heddle Loom Adventures
  2. New Products on Etsy!
  3. Foxes!
  4. Crafting techniques
  5. My current projects
  6. DIY Projects
  7. Goodwill, Dollar store, and Flea Market Flips
  8. Yarns, which brands I enjoy and where to find them
  9. Craft Shows