Time sure does fly by when you’re battling knitting machines! I mean, learning how to successfully create beautiful projects on your knitting machines ๐
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Since the last time I wrote about my knitting machine shenanigans back in May, I have learned A LOT about me and my knitting machines. First of all, I am no longer allowed to use my knitting machines when I am tired after dinner. Bad things seem to happen, so I’ll stick to morning or early afternoon tinkering.
2. I CAN make beautiful projects on my knitting machines. I have successfully made a few flap hats, a jester hat, and wide infinity scarf. I’ve also played with my lace carriage and have attempted lacy scarves and shawls. Still figuring that one out since I keep dropping stitches. Boo. May need to deep clean the main bed to solve this problem…
3. When knitting machine owners tell you each machine has a different personality, they are not being fickle. They are telling the truth. My LK-150 is bubbly and seems to just want to please me. It’s such a good little machine. And my Singer MOD700 is temperamental and a bully. It wants me to work for it and I do. But we are starting to play nice.

4. Me + Knitting machine + distraction = death. No joke. Every time I get going, I’m starting to get the hang of everything, I have a cat walk about the bed or a handsome man strolls in to ask a question. Without a doubt, my hand slips, the knitting machine jams, or stitches come flying off the needles! AHHHH!! I love my man and my fur children, but sometimes a girl just wants alone time with her knitting machine.
And heave forbid if I close the door! That’s just asking to be bothered. If the door is closed I hear mewing and scratching and then a panicked meow as if my poor fluffy pants is hurt and dying. So I race to open the door and the snot strolls in… Or the handsome man opens the door asking why it’s closed, am I ok? I give up. I need a new solution to get quiet time with my knitting machines.
Growing Collection?
Now that I have figured out the mysteries of the knitting machine, I am ready to embark on an even bigger adventure!
I recently came across a fantastic deal for a collection of knitting machines. I am hoping this deal goes through as planned and nothing happens because this really is a once in a lifetime kind of deal. I am so nervous excited. It’ll be my belated birthday gift to myself. When it happens, I’ll be sure to let you know!
In the meantime, I am still learning my current two machines with dreams of a ribber now that I have the lace carriage working. But before that, I think I need to learn how to deep clean my MOD700 or send it off to a professional.
I managed to get it all apart and found some more yarn bits in and around the gears that I removed. And I managed to get it back together. But I’m thinking I’m missing something… Might be a better idea to get a professional to do it until I become a professional myself. Goals. ๐
In the meantime, I am working on making several flap hats on the SK-150. I am enjoying how they are coming out and once they are decorated and finished, I will add them to my inventory! I can’t wait to see the finished products!
*Update: Since writing this post I have a few completed hats! Check them out below!
Oh the projects I have been making and plan on making! There are too many to choose from. But here are a few that are done or are nearly done. If you’d like me to write down how to make them, let me know in the comments below and I will write them out ๐
Flap Hats

Loving all the flap hats! I’m a huge fan of my ears being covered in winter, so a cute knitting flap hat is in order! And the best part? I made them slightly larger than necessary to accommodate all of the ladies, like me, who have a ton of hair! I can wear my hair in a pony tail and still have the hat cover my ears. WIN!

Wide Infinity Wrap
I’m planning to make this Wide Infinity Wrap a little wider than my first one. I like that they can be wrapped around the shoulders, used as a head covering or just wrap it around your neck like a regular infinity scarf.
I haven’t actually made mittens YET. But they are on the list to be figured out and made. Every event I attend I have people asking me if I make mittens because I have fingerless gloves on display. So far, I don’t make mittens, but now that I have knitting machines, I feel like I can make adorable fair isle mittens! Or just plain knitting mittens. In any case, mittens are on the list and I will be figuring out this one ASAP.
So far my knitting machine adventures are getting more successful. And that deal I mentioned earlier… I GOT IT! More on that in a later post. Can’t wait to start making more than flap hats, swatches, and basic cowls!
Until next time!