We get asked on a regular basis, how do you weave on your looms? Well I’ve decided to give you step by step instructions on how to weave on each size and shape loom Theresa and Chuck Jewell at Stone Mountain Looms have created.
If you’ve never done continuous strand weaving before, we always suggest you start with the square loom. Not only is it the easiest to learn, it’s so versatile in the items you can make off of this shape!
Stick around to the end of this post to get FREE Square Loom Project Planner Worksheets!

Just a heads up, some of my links are associated with an affiliate program, which means if you click the link and purchase the item I can get a small commission at no cost to you. Feel free to read all the boring details here.
Starting your Square Loom
*All Square looms are woven the same way, these directions apply to ALL Stone Mountain Square looms. Picture tutorial is below the written instructions in case you’re a visual learner.
Step 1
First get your loom in the right direction. As with all Stone Mountain Looms, the ‘markings’ always go to the left hand side on the stand. (Unless you’re left handed, then you can reverse this and put the marks to the right and start in the top right hand corner). Make a slip knot and slip it over the nail on the top left hand corner of the loom.
Side note: The 6″ Square is so small, we did NOT mark any side for a pattern. Just pick a corner and get started 🙂
*The square loom sits more comfortably on its side. In that case, still put the markings on the left hand side. Your slip knot will go over the nail on the top point.
Step 2
Bring your working yarn (the strand attached to the ball of yarn) across the loom to the opposite corner. Bring the yarn clockwise around the corner nail.
I typically wrap my yarn around the corner nail AND the nail to the left. This leaves space between the two strands of yarn and it evens out the nail count later.
Step 3
Now bring your yarn back up to the left hand corner on the left side of your work. You’re going to continue to go clockwise over the next nail on the left hand side.
Step 4
Time to start weaving! Keeping your yarn on that second nail, carefully slide your working yarn under your first strand. Pull the yarn through, placing, still clockwise, over the next available nail on the top of your loom.
Step 5
When you wove your last strand, you actually wove two strands through at once. Find your woven part, use your right hand to hold the right side and your left hand to hold the left side of the weave. Carefully slide your weave towards the lower right hand corner.
Step 6
Using the yarn in your right hand, place it over the next available nail on the right hand side of the loom.
Step 7
Keeping the weave straight, take the yarn still in your left hand and place, clockwise, around the next available nail on the bottom of the loom.
Step 8
Bring your working yarn back up to the left hand corner and once again find the next available nail. Pick up your crochet hook and start weaving from the right. Go under then over and hook your working yarn to pull through your weave. **Always start your next weave UNDER.
Repeat steps 4-8 until you’re on your last row.
Picture Tutorial
*These pictures follow along with the written instructions above if you’re having a hard time figuring out what is happening in them.

Finishing your Square Loom
You have one more row to weave. Congratulations you’re almost done!
Time to “measure” your yarn. Without weaving, wrap your yarn clockwise around the last corner nail on the left lower corner and bring the yarn across your work to the opposite corner nail on the upper right hand side. Leaving enough room for fringe, cut you yarn.
I know, super scary, but it will be okay. I promise.
Now that your last strand is cut, you can start weaving once again. By ‘measuring’ your yarn before weaving that last row, you’re making it easier on yourself to weave it. The last row is tight, and who wants to pull 2 strands of yarn through when you only need one?
Once you’re done weaving, tie off your end. Go back to your slip knot, pull it off the nail and tie that end off too.
At this point, if you want to add fringe do it now. It’s much easier getting your latch hook, crochet hook, whatever tool you’re using to get the job done, in and out of the woven strands.
Finally, pull off your square piece.
There is no need to crochet/sew it off the loom. It’s all interwoven already, so just slip that sucker right off the nails and enjoy! Bonus: It makes a satisfying noise and is super fun too slide your work off the nails.
What Can you Make with a Square Loom?
There are so many different projects you can do with a square loom. Here’s a list of things I’ve seen them used to make. Just know this is NOT a complete list. Honestly, the possibilities are endless!
Check out my page Square Loom Gallery for images of projects I’ve completed on square looms.
- Washcloths (6in + 12in)
- Scrubbies (6in + 12in)
- Bags (Large and small ones!) (All sizes)
- Fingerless Gloves (12″)
- Hats (12″)
- Slippers (12″)
- Pockets (6″ + 12″)
- Blankets (All sizes – Patchwork Blanket anyone?)
- Baby Lovies (small blankets with crochet stuffed animal attached) (12″ + 2ft)
- Tunics (2ft square + a rectangle)
- Panchos (12″ + 2ft)
- Shawlettes (12″)
- Skirts (2ft)
- Shawls (12″ + 2ft)
- Pillow Cases (2ft)
Just think of your woven piece as a piece of fabric. What can you make with a square piece of fabric? That’s how most of these ideas have happened.
Plan your Project!
Not sure where to begin? I’ve got you covered! I’ve put together free, PDF downloadable project planners for each size of square loom currently available with Stone Mountain Looms.
Project Planners include:
- List of yarn and how to estimate the yardage for a project
- A chart to color in to create a pattern
- A place to write out your yarn color choices for each nail
The project planners are designed to help you create your own weaving pattern on each of the different size looms. I hope they help you come up with many beautiful projects!
Square Loom Project Planners
6″ Square Loom Project Planner
12″ Square Loom Project Planner
2ft Square Loom Project Planner
3ft Square Loom Project Planner
Share your Projects
Are you working on anything new? I’d love to see your square loom projects, either in the comments here or join our Facebook Group!

Hello! I’m Ashli!
Fiber artist extraordinaire, soaper, and founder of Cobblestone Alpacas.
Here you’ll find information on weaving, knitting, crochet, sewing, felting, yarn dying, spinning, cold process soap making, candle making, and more.
I also provide helpful tips of the trade for creative business artisans and vendors to help grow your business where you want it to be!